Post 45- Simile/ Metaphor

Idea : There are secrets within each bottle of San Pellegrino and the only way to activate this is to make a weekend trip to the Alps to get in touch with the purest form of nature. If you leave a San Pellegrino can on the snow tipped Alps for 24 hours, diamonds would form from the frozen mineral water instead of ice.



Background: The starting point for this idea was a simple metaphor “the stars are sparkling diamonds” I thought about what San Pellegrino would look like in space or maybe even in a NASA craft. Possibly dehydrated water? Floating bits of San Pell in the atmosphere? Then I thought about if thunderstorms created mineral water would your eyes burn when you get caught in the rain? More thinking and writing and I transition from that point to a romantic scene turned nightmare if the mineral water somehow caused a skin reaction that is only cured by eating one slice of whole grain bread.  Which transitioned me to my final idea which is possessing diamonds that are in pure form because of the mixture of minerals and spring water. These would be accessible to the general public just as San Pellegrino is currently and everyone would be able to have a taste of life in the sense that that diamonds are usually a symbol of status. The  ‘elite’, ‘rich’, ‘upper class’ population is the normal target audience since they have the financial freedom to purchase. I feel that making diamonds more available is the equivalent to starting fresh on a blank slate where no one feels separate or excluded because they are not in a stable monetary place to purchase one for themselves. Considering the fact that diamonds naturally come from the earth, no tax, no fee…. shouldn’t that mean everyone should have access to enjoying the beauty from all or any unique diamond? Why is it socially acceptable, whether consciously or unconsciously keep this separation between the ‘upper’, ‘middle’, and ‘lower’? This is apparent everywhere and is ongoing constantly in the ever-changing-world of social media. At the end of the day, this may seem like a far fetched idea; but the question is why is it that a hardworking person who pays their bills, works a full time job, living in a humble apartment is not able to experience the same feels of extravagance or high-living as a business woman with 3 cars, a home, and a closet as big as Texas, can?