Post 51- Side Hustle/ Passion Project

Idea: I enjoy writing short stories and poems and came up with the idea that there is an outbreak of vampires and the only way to protect yourself is to wear a full body saran suit when you go out at night.


Background:  This absurd idea formed because I was cleaning out my fridge the other day and there there was some food that had gone bad in the back. For some reason there was no lid on this plate which probably assisted in the moldiness that was present all over the plate. This made me think of Gusto di Vivere and what needs to happen to prevent that taste of life from fading. Things like salt help preserve meats and fish but also the use of aluminum foil, ziploc container, or use of saran wrap to keep it fresh over a longer period of time. I took this scenario and applied it to my short story where the only way to escape the epidemic is to wrap yourself in saran wrap before going out at night with only spots cutout for your eyes, nose, mouth and fingers. This would be normal practice and everybody who lives in this small town knows to do this. However this unlucky family moves into the neighborhood and is completely unaware of this point. At times they do notice people wearing plastic wrap all over their bodies (creeps them out) but there is a rhetorical shrug and rationalization that this action as an effort to simply gain attention. When their only child does not come back from a friends house one evening, they receive the frightful news that the child most likely had been taken by a vampire. The mother is appalled how nonchalant the town is on this point. But when she goes to the police to try and put a missing persons report, the officer there is in no type of rush to help. He states in a plain way, ” Your daughter is most likely never coming back. This town has vampires on the loose, they love a taste of life and she was probably a perfect candidate.” “I would suggest for the remainder of your time here, go with with saran wrap. It will protect you.” The mother is left speechless and faints dead away.